
Crochet Slang Words

crochet slang words, what is frogging?

As a unique group that has spent countless hours in conversation, discussions and "frogging", crocheters have adopted their own acronyms and language, crochet slang words if you might call it that.

Some are humorous and some are threatening in a funny way. Nonetheless, these acronyms or our very own "slang" were intended to be a quick way of conveying a message during a conversation or discussion. They are, of course, meant to be funny and by all means convenient and easy to understand for all crocheters.

We have learned to develop a unique way of understanding each other without letting others know what we are talking about, unless they are crocheters themselves.

Here are some of the acronyms and lingo that we use loosely amongst ourselves with their corresponding values.

1. Ami – Short for Amigurumi

2.       BiStitchtual – Someone who crochets and knits.

3.       C2C- Corner to Corner

4.       CAL – Crochet Along

5.  De-stash - selling or giving away yarn you STASH

6.       FO – Finished object

7.       FOTH – Fresh off the Hook

8.       Freehand – Making a project without following a pattern.

9.       Frogging – ripping out rows or rounds of crochet – rip it – ribbit – we rippit rippit

10.   HOTH – hot off the hook

11.   Hooker – A proud and happy Crocheter

12.   HSPY – haven’t started project yet

13.   ISO – In search of

14.   JOTH – Just off the Hook

15.   LYS – Local or little yarn store

16.   MAM – Mile a minute afghan

17.   MGBTC – Must get back to crocheting

18.   OCD – Obsessive crocheting disorder

19.   PABLE – pattern accumulation beyond life expectancy

20.   PHD – Projects half done

21.   PIGS – Projects in grocery sacks

22.   PTP – Permission to Post ( some use this word for social group with strict terms and conditions)

23.   SABLE – stash accumulation beyond life expectancy

24.   STASH – Special treasures all secretly hidden meant to be discovered unexpectedly

25.   TALC – Take along crochet

26.   TIA – Thank you in advance

27.   TOAD – Trashed object abandoned in disgust

28.   UFO – unfinished object

29.   USO – Unstarted object

30.   Yarn Cakes – The small skeins of yarn that result from using a yarn winder.

31.   WIM – Work in mind

32.   WIP – Work in progress

33.   WIVSP – Work in very slow progress

34.   YAP – Yet another Project

35.   Yarn Barf – the tangled mess of yarn from the center of a skein

36.   Yarn Bomb – A decorative piece of crocheted or knitted art that is strung up in a public place.

37.   YART – Yarn acquisition road trip



38.   LOL – Laugh out loud

39.   ROFL – Rollin on floor laughing

40.   DH – Dear Husband

41.   DD – Dear Daughter

42.   DS – Dear Son

43.   MIL – Mother in Law

44.   FIL – Father in Law

45.   SIL – Sister in Law

46.   BIL – Brother in Law

47.   IMO – In my opinion

48.   BTW – By the way

49.   ATM – At the moment

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Girlie's Crochet  >  Crochet Slang Words